We often see really beautiful and amazing movies as kids that tend to have a huge impact on who we end up becoming once all has been said and is now out of the way. One of the movies that most people in their early thirties would end up calling influential for themselves would be Beauty and the Beast. The reason behind this is that it is a movie that incorporated a lot of lovely music into the mix and also created iconic characters that no one is ever going to end up forgetting about for the foreseeable future.
Learning unique and interesting factoids about the characters in this story is great and a lot of fun since it helps you to focus on the art form and see what it has to offer you. A lot of theatre performances in the UK are starting to show Beauty and the Beast, or at least a different version of the same story, and this has helped people better understand the ages of the main characters. The “Beast” in the story is a prince who was cursed to look monstrous after having offended a magical creature, and you would be surprised to know that he is only twenty one years of age or so.
His age is unexpected since he has some white hair in his beard while he is still a beast, but he is only a prince and not a full King so it makes sense that he is one the younger side of things. This makes him about four or so years older than Belle, who is the Beauty in this scenario all in all.